H. Claude Sagi, MD
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH USA
About ISoPS
The International Society of Pelvic Surgeons was formed in 2020 to create a global academic community specializing in the treatment of Pelvic and Acetabular Trauma. ISoPS is a group of orthopedic surgeons who have demonstrated clinical and/or academic interest in advancing pelvic and acetabular fracture treatment both regionally and internationally - either through scholarly activity, education, or surgical innovation.
ISoPS serves to provide a forum for discussion concerning the management of pelvic and acetabular trauma, and the sharing of ideas related to the diverse treatment philosophies and principles around the world. At the core of it’s mission, ISoPS strives to link surgeons form around the world through academic research that endeavors to develop standardized treatment strategies based on sound scientific and clinical evidence.
The primary goal of ISoPS is to integrate and coordinate the fragmented efforts of pelvic and acetabular surgeons around the world into a single organization and think-tank that will ultimately improve patient care. Pelvic and Acetabular fracture surgery as we think of it today, only started in the 1970’s with the work of Judet, Letournel, Pennal and Tile. Because of the relatively infrequent occurrence of these injuries compared to other extremity fractures, most institutions and studies have limited or small numbers of patients with heterogenous injury patterns and treatment methods. Therefore, by uniting numerous experienced surgeons from around the global community, the hope is to eliminate partisan dogma based on personal opinion and replace it with sound rational recommendations based on consensus and evidence-based medical practice.